Category: Hiking

Day 3 of 2022 Arizona Trip, Sedona

Third day of my 2021 Arizona trip. My friend and I would spend the day hiking among Sedona’s buttes and canyons, among its red rocks that had been a defining character of America’s west.

Day 2 of 2022 Arizona Trip, Picacho Peak

Second day of my 2022 Arizona trip. My friend and I would be climbing Picacho Peak, a thrilling YDS class 3 climb made accessible with cables and handrails, before driving to our overnight hotel near Sedona.

Day 1 of 2022 Arizona Trip, Saguaro National Park

First day of my 2022 Arizona trip. My friend and I would be visiting Saguaro National Park, home to soaring cacti as a symbol of the America west.

Hiking Tibbet Rock and Big Schloss in George Washington National Forest

I had some great memories with autumn colors around Fort Valley for the previous two years. So this time in mid-October 2021, I decided to head a bit west towards Wolf Gap, on the boundary of Virginia and… Read More

Hiking Audra State Park in West Virginia

A short hiking trip to Audra State Park in West Virginia that I went with my school’s outdoor club.

Hiking Rocky Brown Mountain Loop in Shenandoah

First weekend of October, I went hiking in Shenandoah National Park among early autumn colors.

Hiking Pulpit Rock and The Pinnacle in Pennsylvania

After spending most of the summer bunkering down at home, my friend and I waited for a cool weekend at the end of September and hiked a popular section of Appalachian Trail in central Pennsylvania.

Day 7 of 2021 Alaska Trip, Mendenhall Glacier and Ice Cave

Seventh day of my 2021 Alaska trip and my first of two days in Juneau. Weather was fine today so I took the West Glacier Trail onto Mendenhall Glacier after exploring its famous ice cave. It ended up… Read More

Day 2 of 2021 Alaska Trip, Marmot Mountain

Second day of my 2021 Alaska trip. Yesterday’s excursion to Matanuska Peak took quite a toll on me that I spent most of the day resting. But since I still wanted something done for the day, I decided… Read More

Day 1 of 2021 Alaska Trip, Matanuska Peak, Manifestation of Mental Perseverance

First day of my 2021 Alaska trip, I would be climbing Matanuska Peak outside the city of Palmer, a grueling day hike that tested both my physical and mental capabilities.